Tuesday, June 28, 2022

My Music is doing amazing in the Indie Scene now!

I wasn't expecting much When I uploaded my music to indiesound.com  I was expecting maybe 200 plays in 1 month maybe. That's it.  I posted the music 9 months ago.  I checked it earlier this month and found out I had 13000 plays in  9 momths...

Since then It has been insane there... I have gotten a total of 29000+ plays there in 9 months now and I am happy that Caustic Euphony and Unleashing Vengeance are now getting tons of plays..

You can go here to actually hear the music...

Caustic Euphony I knew was good. It was progressive Death Metal and it had black metal elements thrown in. Unleashing Vengeance I wasn't sure about. Some of it sounded like Thrash, and other stuff sounded like weird ass folk metal with Overdriven Guitars.  I wasn't sure people would like it. It got labeled shitcore after all...

But to my surprise, Unleashing Vengeance songs are doing great, a lot  have gotten 500+ plays. Some have gotten 1500+ plays. A few got 2300+ plays.  Caustic Euphony though, is killing it there. Tons of songs with 1000+ plays. 

It has gotten so good, that before I deleted a third solo artist that was there to upload new music to get around the upload limit, I had more average plays per month in the last 17 days than some Major Label Bands, Including overkill, exodus, and Destruction. I also had a lot more than some major label bands that are doing bad now like Manticora, Persuader and Detonation.  It has been great there, and I hope it keeps on happening.