Tuesday, June 28, 2022

My Music is doing amazing in the Indie Scene now!

I wasn't expecting much When I uploaded my music to indiesound.com  I was expecting maybe 200 plays in 1 month maybe. That's it.  I posted the music 9 months ago.  I checked it earlier this month and found out I had 13000 plays in  9 momths...

Since then It has been insane there... I have gotten a total of 29000+ plays there in 9 months now and I am happy that Caustic Euphony and Unleashing Vengeance are now getting tons of plays..

You can go here to actually hear the music...

Caustic Euphony I knew was good. It was progressive Death Metal and it had black metal elements thrown in. Unleashing Vengeance I wasn't sure about. Some of it sounded like Thrash, and other stuff sounded like weird ass folk metal with Overdriven Guitars.  I wasn't sure people would like it. It got labeled shitcore after all...

But to my surprise, Unleashing Vengeance songs are doing great, a lot  have gotten 500+ plays. Some have gotten 1500+ plays. A few got 2300+ plays.  Caustic Euphony though, is killing it there. Tons of songs with 1000+ plays. 

It has gotten so good, that before I deleted a third solo artist that was there to upload new music to get around the upload limit, I had more average plays per month in the last 17 days than some Major Label Bands, Including overkill, exodus, and Destruction. I also had a lot more than some major label bands that are doing bad now like Manticora, Persuader and Detonation.  It has been great there, and I hope it keeps on happening.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

I just formed a new metal solo artist called Technical Blasphemy...

 I have metal news for music I write. I formed a new metal solo artist called Technical Blasphemy Last week. This is an attempt to do "realtime" module music, where I map each key of my keyboard to a set of samples playing at once to be able to simply hit keys on my keyboard to perform a song. The top row of keys does guitars and drums simultaniously... The next row does choirs. The final row does accoustic. This allows me to play music in real time.

I've experimented with this for a while with solo projects I kept to myself, with bad results... Now I finally have something that can do good music I think, as my practice level has finally gotten to the point I can make good songs a lot more often.

Technical blasphemy is a prog metal project that only does intrumentals.  It has a sort of blackened vibe to it and had epic dark choirs, classic influences, lots of syncopated riffs, time changes everywhere, jazz drumming and a lot more... I wanted to do this for a while.  It payed off.

To hear technical blasphemies music go here:


It currently is not on anything else but that and my soundcloud which you can find here:


Technical blasphemy has a theme : Paranormal phenomina. It does concept albums. So far I've done one on Alien Abduction, and plan to do 2 more tonight, one on A mothman sighting that turned into a government  coverup, and one on the Brazil Mage Ufo Crash.  Stay Tuned...