Monday, May 25, 2020

New Metal Themed FPS "Onslaught" released

New Metal Themed FPS just released called Onslaught

This announcement may shake the ground of the metal scene. Remember brutal legend? That game was one of the FEW Metal themed Games out there.  There is yet another metal themed game out there, and this one is a FPS game that is free called Onslaught.

Onslaught began it’s life as a game idea developed by me and a close friend who was also a metal head. We wanted a FPS where you played as a badass metal anti-hero cyborg mercenary and fought mad cultists who were trying to eliminate mankind.  They used mutations for this mostly and  had bombed most of the cities into a post apocalyptic wasteland and only you and your super human abilities could stop them.

We named our character “Bastard” and he is one of the most obnoxious anti-hero’s any game has ever gotten, spewing out one liners like:

“Metal is for real  men, Dubstep is for pussies!”
“I am 200% metal!”
“Fox News Sucks!”
“Downton Abbey Sucks!”
“Common you Pussies!” (said at a metalica concert by James Hetfield once in the 1990s)

The Game has you play in 30 Maps and you get to slaughter your way through hundreds of enemies per level sometimes, with an insane arsenal of 20+ guns, some of them being nuts like :

Rocket Chaingun
Shotgun/Flamethrower hybrid
Auto Shotgun
Semi Auto double barreled shotgun
Homing bullet machinegun
Chaingun/Shotgun Hybrid
Stun gun (knocks enemies unconscious)
many more

The Game was constructed using free-to use resources from doom addons like a free to use texture pack, free to use guns for zdoom and free to use enemies from the same site, so It’s not ENTIRELY Original, but still is quite good, nonetheless.

The enemies in this thing are HARD. Some do tons of damage to the player, like instakill damage.  Which is hard to deal with. Luckily your cyborg powers help a ton in this. One makes you get invulnerability via a forcefield erected around your body for 60 seconds.  That helps a lot.  Others like heal and weapon damage increase help a lot too.  It helps to use these.

The Game uses a soundtrack written by unleashing vengeance, my Black Metal Solo Project. The music for it was originally written for albums in 2018 and 2019 and was remixed without vocals for the game.

To read more about this game, go to here or my twitter for the game development here